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Monday, Practica starts at 7pm!

(7pm-8pm beginners, 8pm-10pm Practica all levells)

Next practica will be on                           

Monday 17th of December, 2018.

- Argentinian Tango Lessons for beginners

This it will be the last Practica of 2018!



Caminar del Tango

                                 Tango practica for all levels

Learn Argentine Tango, one of the most beautiful, elegant and classy dance, in a traditional way, in a 5 lessons package with or without partner. Every lessons will be followed by an assisted practica.
                           17th of February, 7pm
            PROMOTION: 5 lessons - £30


where? Venue: Abbey Hall (Lower hall),

Catherine Street,(Behind St Andrews Church - Royal Parade),

Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2AD

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To be a milonguero, first of all you have your own style of dancing. It means that you have a unique feeling for the music, rhythm, cadence and embrace. When you have all this, the music invades your body and mind and then, only then, the chemistry begins that really makes you transmit to your partner as if both were talking, whispering, sliding on the floor with sacadas, corridas, turns, dancing only one for the other, not for the people. In that moment, when both are listening to the magic of the music, the skin of one in the skin of the other, the smell, the touch produces the miracle of something like a mantra, and the ying and the yang is there!!! We are dancing tango!!!"
                                                                                               (Ricardo Vidort)







Every Monday, Practica starts at 7pm!

(7pm-8pm beginners, 8pm-10pm Practica all levells)

Next practica will be on                           

Monday 27th of November, 2017.

- Argentinian Tango Lessons for beginners

(please subscribe here)



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00:00 / 00:00

Every Monday, Practica starts at 7pm!  

"Tango para el Alma"

        Tango lesson&Practica for beginners will be on                                                     Monday 3th of December, 2018.

   Argentinian Tango

  •  7pm - Tango Lesson (for beginners)

  •  8.15pm - Practica (all levels)

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Alex y Nana, Brasov 2010

Alex y Nana, Brasov 2010

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